
pp电子极速糖果 has always been focused on providing all of its students with a quality learning experience. 因为有更多的学习机会, and more students choose to access all or part of their education through online formats, 这所大学对质量的关注依然存在. The following is an outline of pp电子极速糖果's strategy to address quality in online learning environments.


在2009-10学年, pp电子极速糖果 (CMU) submitted a request to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) to extend its regional accreditation to the offering of online degree programs. In the fall semester of 2010, CMU received notice from the HLC of the approval of its change request. 作为过程的一部分, an HLC site review team recommended th卡内基梅隆大学 create a set of standards for its online courses.

在回应, CMU Academic Affairs convened the Distance Education Quality Working Group (DEQWG), 由教职工组成的, 讨论这个话题. 2011年春天, the working group presented a series of factors related to quality in online learning and related recommended practices. Each of the quality factors and their related practices has been acted upon. 因为质量是一个不断变化的目标, the actual practices to address each of the factors are consistently under various stages of review and deployment. 质量因素包括:

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